The Eve and Christmas Day

From: Ann Morrison
Sent: Wednesday, December 25, 2013 8:00 PM
To: Friends & Family
Subject: The Eve and Christmas Day

The Eve and Christmas Day
A hot sticky night in the tropics, the air scented with a touch of salt… excitement is hardly contained… special time with family… siblings still trying to convince that yes… that shooting star IS Father Christmas in his sleigh, travelling high across the sky… but there is no convincing….
Midnight Mass … a ritual
Fitful sleep, waiting in anticipation … the day dawns…
Tinsel, glitter ornaments, the Angel on top the tree in her pretty yellow gown trimmed in silver and gold…  colorful tree lights that flicker and twinkle, the gifts, wrapped, waiting to surprise. Friends and family gather to celebrate… an explosion of sharing, giving, hugging and kisses… so good to see all the happy faces… the kids run wild… joyous abandon, sporting their new swimsuit, sword … Barbie doll and other assorted toys
There is a smell of turkey slow roasting in the oven…  the table is overflowing…  Food, Wine, Champagne… Christmas Crackers .. POP, CRACK… BANG!!!! Silly jokes, sillier hats… the token cracker gifts tumble out onto the floor… kids scramble to claim.
Aunty Con’s Plum Pudding and Mom’s Brandy Butter… Dad playing Bing Crosby’s “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas”…
Such wonderful memories… we lived at 27 Hudd Road, the year was 1973… I was 10
Military aircraft lay quiet on the landing strip behind us…  ocean and river collide nearby, the smell of salt thick in the air… it is a cool, surprisingly windy night…
Santa stops by bearing gifts or trinkets and candy
Anticipation builds for an evening to be spent with new friends, in a town we have never been, the week at Disney just a day left behind.
What to wear?
We met Dan and Sherry while in Asheville, camped high on the same hill over-looking the French Broad.. Florida is home
Trees, yes multiple, beautifully decorated, each ornament holding memories of Christmases past… their house is a home, warm, inviting … smells like Christmas
Dixie pup bounds over… is the first to greet …
We meet the ‘double ‘J’s, (we are the double ‘A’s)…they are neighbors and good friends with our hosts
Much love and care has gone into the making of dinner, a splendid feast to behold…
Christmas Crackers and South African wine, a fabulous Crown Roast…  Cherry Pie! My favorite.
We eat, we share, telling stories and tall tales, we laugh… relax… and bask in the glow of a warm log fire… my face aches from all the smiling.
Such a special evening… a wonderful new memory
Christmas dawn brings brought warmth and sunshine… the breezy night air has laid down
The morning, slow and gentle… quiet…. we take a walk along the water, the river-side, we all three fall comfortably in step. 
Relaxed, secure, happy… puppy bounces,  our easy chatter fills the air… it is a beautiful day
The best gift I have today, in fact, every day… is to be in the company of my two great loves…
Alan and of course the Muffin Pup
Merry Christmas Sweetheart, Merry Christmas Pup, my heart is overflowing with the love I feel for you today… every day.
My Christmas memories may be a little different today but I am still one lucky little South African girl… (well maybe not so little any more…. ;-))
We are parked in our RV on the east coast of Florida, today we live at Patrick AFB, the year is 2013 and I am … well a lady never tells her age… you figure it out!
Merry Christmas to all our Friends and Family and Happy New Year…. May 2014 be your best year yet.
Much Love, Big Hugs
Ann, Alan and Muffin Pup
Some pictures from Disney and our quiet time on Christmas Day
