This Young House

From: Ann Morrison
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 6:56 PM
To: Friends & Family
Subject: This Young House
2001 is the date listed as to when this house was built. She is still quite young relatively speaking. She is a beauty and she has a new owner.

“Dear house, thank you for the privilege of living within your inviting walls, your warm wood floors and tall gracious ceilings.  You have provided shelter against wind, rain and snow and your windows have invited the glorious Colorado sunshine indoors.  You have hosted our friends and family and given us 2 and ½ years of great memories. We have loved living with you. You will be missed.”

Yes, it is true; Alan and I are staged to begin a new adventure.  We have opted to become ‘affluent homeless’ once again, for how long, we are not yet sure.  The road is calling and Ikhaya is packed, ready and waiting.

2 and half years ago we thought we were ready to settle down, to find ‘that’ place to live till health prevented otherwise.  The house was perfect, the views fabulous and the convenience to restaurants, shopping, medical facilities and transportation exactly what we were looking for.  We settled in.  We decorated and we indulged in the friendly comfortable setting offered; the neighbors and neighborhood embraced us.

For those of you who know us well, you will understand when I say it was ‘the suburban life’ that became the challenge for us, especially for my adventuresome husband.  It would appear we are not the settling type. … at least not yet, and while, to borrow a line from Shakespeare, " the lady doth protest too much", Alan is very good about dragging me kicking and screaming into adventure only to grin broadly at the satisfaction of knowing me better than I know myself as he watches me take to it like duck to water.  Of course we also had some life lessons learned this past year too, reminding us that time passes quickly and if adventure is what we seek, we should seek it now, not wait… longevity is not guaranteed.   Lara was my touchstone the last time we set out… with her gone… not sure who that will be for me this time around….. I have a couple folks in mind.

So, here we are again… headed off into the wild blue yonder, defying convention, expectation and the security of roots in a single place.

We have an inkling this time… this time we are better prepared for living the gypsy life.  Our expectations remain as they did the first time… to be awed and amazed by the beauty of this country, its people and its charm.   Oh it won’t be all strawberries and cream and having the pup as our therapist will be part of what makes it all work… but we are ready, willing and able.  And so off we go.

For those of you who wish to keep up with us, Alan is reactivating the old website.  It will be the same address but have a new chapter added to its pages. This may take a couple weeks though; we have been focused on shutting down the Colorado household.  Of course I will be dusting of my subjugated email list and plan to send through the occasional story.   We may be out on the road, but we will be staying in touch. … Hope you do too.
Takeoff Time is scheduled for 5pm April 3
rd 2013
Love and Hugs
Ann & Alan Morrison

Planned 2013 Summer Destinations: Santé Fe NM, Grand Canyon AZ, Las Vegas NV, Morro Bay CA, Monterey CA, Petaluma CA, Mount Shasta CA, Ashland/Medford OR, Gold Beach OR, Newport OR, Astoria OR, Cape Disappointment WA, and the Puget Sound