Silver Beach

From: Ann Morrison
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 5:55 PM
To: Friends & Family
Subject: Silver Beach
There are rain drops on the window… big fat ones… and lots of them.  This is our last day in Gold Beach, OR and it is pouring with rain.  It has rained almost every day since we arrived although there have been moments of brilliant sunshine and stunning sunsets.  The wind is howling too now and I worry the rig will be swept up and blown out to sea.   Well, of course it won’t, but the mind takes flights of fantasy when parked this close to the ocean.  High tide laps at us just 50 yards away and the signs along the roadside advise on Tsunami routes.

The day is a silver gray, not unlike the day before and the day before that….   But unlike today, the weather on those days acquiesced to our need to roam and explore this quiet little seaside village and accommodate long walks along the shoreline. 


I am drawn to the water’s edge, fascinated by the silver light reflecting through dark clouds, shimmering and dancing on the ocean swells in a slow, graceful minuet.    As I watch the sand laden waves crash heavily on the black shore I am struck by the calmness and peace within me; we are mostly alone.  Few have ventured out in the cool weather.  I let my mind free, inhale deeply, tasting sea salt in my mouth.  


Although there has been a chill in the air most days, in these moments I have felt a soft warmth wash over me as I have watched the pup, jubilant in her exploits, her unabashed joy of roaming free along the water’s edge… and I have felt Alan, always close by, giving me the room to indulge in my love of the sea but not so far that I would be left feeling alone.   He walks up close, takes my hand in his. 
Gold Beach is a sleepy little town that sits at the mouth of the Rouge River.  The town reflects the wear and tear of time, salt air and remote access; close to nowhere far from everywhere.  Not much to recommend the place but the locals are friendly, the grocery store well stocked; a daily fresh catch can be found at the fish market and there are miles and miles of rugged shoreline to be explored.  There are also the river Jet Boats, better suited for the heart of summer  and the little coastal motels with their neat little gardens and gold painted fire hydrants that invite travelers to stop a while, take in the ocean view … for there is ‘no hurry in Curry County’. 

As I gaze back out through the raindrops on the window, I am reminded that today is Memorial Day.  It suits then that the day be gray and cold, that tears fall from the sky… reminding me, reminding us that the price of freedom, of our safety and security is high, sometimes too high… it is a melancholy moment, a moment to reflect and pay homage to the men and women in uniform who have died in service to their country.

Tomorrow we move down the road just a few miles to the Humbug Mountain State Park.  Not certain of how long we will stay… no telephone, TV or internet connection… if the rain continues, we may choose to adjust plans. 

Stay warm, hug those you love… I plan to do both.

AM (P.S. Alan has recently updated the website too)